Community Outreach

Leadership Council on Legal Diversity
Willkie is a member of the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (“LCLD”), an organization of general counsel and law Firm managing partners committed to ensuring that all talent thrives, with the ultimate goal of building a more inclusive legal profession. The Firm annually participates in LCLD’s Pathfinders and landmark Fellows programs, allowing high-performing attorneys based in our U.S. offices to benefit from conferences, peer-group projects, soft skills training and networking. Several Willkie attorneys also volunteer as LCLD 1L Mentors, and we annually participate in the LCLD 1L Scholars program.
Willkie’s Charitable Foundations
Willkie has a longstanding commitment to serving the underprivileged and supporting the communities in which we live and work. Our Washington, D.C., San Francisco and Los Angeles offices have established foundations to spearhead community outreach efforts. These foundations are primarily funded by personal contributions of partners and counsel in the respective offices, which are matched by contributions from the Firm.
The Willkie Greater DC Community Foundation was established in 2004 with a mission to support educational and enrichment programs and initiatives for underserved youth in the greater DC area. The current principal grantee is Horton’s Kids. In addition to financial support, Willkie works closely with Horton’s Kids on programming, including a summer internship program, after-school tutoring, college essay and resume workshops, holiday celebrations, and more.
The Willkie San Francisco Foundation was established in 2021 and has partnered with Urban Alchemy (UA) since that time to provide vital support – pro bono legal services and financial contributions – that has enabled UA to further its mission to aid the homeless, create jobs for the formerly incarcerated, and strengthen communities in need. Willkie helped UA to transform a lot in the heart of the Tenderloin neighborhood into a fully staffed activity center and community space.
The Willkie Los Angeles Foundation was established in 2023. It has partnered with non-profit Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services to open a new substance abuse disorder treatment center for children ages 12-17. In addition to financial support, Willkie’s lawyers and professional staff provide volunteer support to help Vista Del Mar serve children and families in the community.

Mentoring Diverse Students
Willkie participates in programs with Prep for Prep and the Inner-City Scholarship Fund (ICSF), and mentors foster youth aging out of care via the New York State Mentoring Program.
We have also mentored high school students for more than 30 years, preparing them for statewide moot court and mock trial competitions. Our mentees attend All Hallows High School, an all-male Catholic school in the Bronx, and the Eagle Academy for Young Men, a network of inner-city schools. We annually hire the students as summer interns, and present a scholarship to Eagle graduating seniors to assist with college costs. We seek to expose diverse youth to the legal profession as early and often as possible.