
June 21, 2024

On June 26, 2024, The Lawyer’s In-House Financial Services conference, in association with Willkie, will be held in London. This year’s event program will focus on leadership, strategy and resilience. Designed to meet the need of the in-house lawyers working across financial services, this event not only addresses the practical challenges of regulatory compliance but also discusses how the global economic and political climate is impacting businesses and organizations. 

Rita Mitchell and Prakash (PK) Paran are serving on the Advisory Board, which is responsible for helping to shape the conference agenda. 

Additionally, several Willkie partners will speak at the conference. Melanie James and Rita Mitchell will participate in a panel discussion on the topic of emerging risks and key issues facing financial institutions from a legal risk perspective; and Rita and Rahul Saha will lead a roundtable discussions on the topic of dawn raids.

More than 150 individuals, including in-house lawyers and compliance professionals from a variety of financial services organizations, have registered to attend the conference so far. 

Learn more here