
July 24, 2024

Willkie partners Tiffany Lee and Susan Rohol have been named to Daily Journal’s “Top Artificial Intelligence Lawyers 2024,” an annual series recognizing the cutting-edge attorneys in California working in AI.

Tiffany and Susan are among just 25 attorneys Daily Journal selected as AI standouts, highlighting their accomplishments as well as Willkie’s standing – it is one of the few firms with two honorees – as an industry leader in emerging technologies. 

Tiffany Lee, a partner in the Corporate & Financial Services Department and Managing Partner of the firm’s Palo Alto office, was recognized as one of the AI industry’s leading transactional lawyers. Daily Journal highlighted her experience in “pioneering artificial intelligence projects,” including helping a client five years ago to develop and license semiconductor chips for its AI infrastructure. The publication also noted Tiffany’s work negotiating licensing agreements for images used to train large language foundational models and helping clients commercialize AI technology. 

“They were among my most significant matters because we had to balance and anticipate the risks involved in an unsettled area of law with the interests of the business team and engineers to make the large language foundational model widely adopted with ‘easy to understand’ terms,” Tiffany told Daily Journal.

Susan Rohol, a partner in Willkie’s Privacy, Cybersecurity & Data Strategy and AI & Emerging Technologies practices, was recognized as one the top entertainment industry lawyers focused on the emerging legal and regulatory issues surrounding AI. Daily Journal highlighted her work advising clients on AI personalization, marketing and advertising-related matters, as well as on AI diligence reviews in M&A transactions and AI contract terms. 

The publication noted Susan’s prior role as Senior Vice President and Chief Privacy Officer for Warner Bros. Discovery, where she advised the company on all privacy, data, and technology issues, including AI, as well as public policy issues. She is able to leverage her experience at the forefront of the entertainment industry to help clients navigate fast-evolving and business-critical issues relating to AI. 

“Content creators have very mixed feelings about how to use the technology, how to engage with platforms, whether to litigate given the long timelines for cases to be resolved, and whether new law and regulations will happen fast enough to protect them,” Susan said. “Balancing all of these competing interests and challenges for clients in different parts of the entertainment industry has made this a very exciting year.”

View Daily Journal’s “Top Artificial Intelligence Lawyers 2024” here (subscription required).
Tiffany Lee
Tiffany Lee Partner Corporate & Financial Services