
January 23, 2024

The New York State Bar Association has named Willkie among the Empire State Counsel® Law Firm Honorees for its outstanding pro bono contributions in 2023.

NYSBA recognized Willkie among a select group of law firms “that have made pro bono work a core tenet of their mission” and stand as industry leaders, based on the total number of pro bono hours contributed by attorneys who performed 50+ pro bono hours in 2023. Individual attorneys who dedicated 50+ hours to pro bono advocacy will be recognized with Empire State Counsel® awards for their contributions at a later date. 

Willkie and its attorneys have received Empire State Counsel® awards numerous times, highlighting the firm’s longstanding commitment to providing pro bono legal advice and support to underserved individuals, communities and organizations.

Read more about the NYSBA Empire State Counsel® awards here.