
June 14, 2024

Willkie lawyers again authored the U.S. chapter in the latest edition of The Legal 500: Renewable Energy Comparative Guide, an annual publication providing an overview of the law and practice of renewable energy across jurisdictions worldwide.
In addition to summarizing relevant renewable energy legislation and regulations in the United States, the extensive Q&A article discusses the state of play in the renewables industry, business and legal developments, and marketplace dynamics.
As in past years, Jorge Kamine, Co-Chair of the Project Finance & Investment Practice Group, and Norman C. Bay, Chair of the Energy Regulatory & Enforcement Practice Group, led the Willkie team in authoring the U.S. chapter of the Renewable Energy Guide.
View the United States Renewable Energy chapter here.
The chapter appears in third edition of The Legal 500: Renewable Energy Comparative Guide. For a full list of jurisdictional Q&As, click here.

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