Eline is an experienced litigator with a focus on corporate and commercial litigation and arbitration. She has particular expertise in private international law: she is our clients’ first port of call on issues of jurisdiction, applicable law and enforcement in a cross-border context. She regularly represents clients in court and has acted as counsel and secretary in several arbitration proceedings under ICC, CEPANI and ad hoc rules. In addition to her litigation experience, Eline also regularly advises clients on commercial contract matters, in particular on distribution, agency and lease contracts, including in due diligence exercises in the context of contemplated mergers and acquisitions in a broad range of industries. Next to her client work, Eline is a regular speaker and author on topics of private international law and distribution law. Eline has been recommended by Legal 500 (2023) in the area of dispute resolution, in particular for her private international law expertise.
- Associate, Allen & Overy, Brussels, since October 2015
- Academic researcher in European private international law, University of Antwerp, 2014-2015
Speaking Engagements
- Journal of Private International Law 10th Anniversary Conference, University of Cambridge, UK, 05/09/2015
- Presentation on the application of EU Private International Law instruments in Belgium, Summer courses of the Antwerp Bar, 26/08/2016
- Seminar on recent developments in distribution law (“Actualia handelstussenpersonen”), organised by Nexis, University of Antwerp, Belgium, 20/04/2021
- KRUGER, T., with ULRIX, E., De toepassing in België van de Europese IPR-verordeningen, Antwerp, Intersentia, 2016
- ULRIX, E., "Kwalificatie van een consumentenovereenkomst onder de Brussel Ibis-Verordening", case note Mons 8 May 2014 in DCCR 2015, vol. 108-109, pp. 157-167
- VAN DEN BROECK, K., and ULRIX, E., "Ondergeschiktheid artikel 4 alleenverkoopwet aan de Europese bevoegdheidsregels – Artikel 7, 1. Brussel Ibis toegepast op de verkoopsconcessie", case note ECJ 18 September 2013, case C-9/12, Corman-Collins, in RABG 2016, vol. 8-9, pp. 658-665
- VAN DEN BROECK, K., with ULRIX, E., "Strategie in internationale handelsarbitrage: de strategie bij beroep op getuigen en experten" in De strategie in internationale arbitrage. Bijdragen aan het colloquium van CEPANI van 12 januari 2017, CEPANI, no. 22, Mechelen, Wolters Kluwer Belgium, 2017
- ULRIX, E., and VAN DEN BROECK, K., "Internationale handelsagentuur en forumkeuze", case note Antwerp 17 April 2018 in RABG 2020, vol. 5, pp. 436-440
- ULRIX, E., and VAN DEN BROECK, K., “Opzegging, mits bekrachtiging, van een concessieovereenkomst van onbepaalde duur”, case note Business Court Ghent (div. Kortrijk) 1 April 2019 in RABG 2020, vol. 11-12, pp. 997-1002
- VAN DEN BROECK, K., and ULRIX, E., Actualia handelstussenpersonen, Antwerp, Intersentia, 2021
- ULRIX, E., and VAN DEN BROECK, K., “Internationale handelsagentuur”, in Bestendig Handboek Distributierecht, Mechelen, Wolters Kluwer Belgium, pp. II.1-1-II.1.35, March 2022
- ULRIX, E., Commentary on Chapter X (“Legal persons”) of the Belgian Code of Private International Law, Rome I Regulation and Rome II Regulation, in Internationaal Privaatrecht Geannoteerd 2023-2024, Brugge, die Keure, 2023
University of Brussels, M.A., 2015 Université de Namur, B.A. (magna cum laude), 2012