Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Lahme
Partner, Litigation
Rüdiger Lahme is a partner in Willkie’s Litigation Department. He practices in Hamburg and is associated with the Firm’s Frankfurt office.
Rüdiger represents clients in high-stakes civil litigation at both national and international levels, with particular emphasis on antitrust and competition matters. He also represents clients before German and European competition authorities.
Rüdiger brings extensive courtroom experience to his practice, having appeared before almost all German district and appellate courts. His work includes representing clients in Germany's most significant private antitrust enforcement proceedings.
Rüdiger's experience is consistently recognized by leading legal directories and publications, including Chambers Global, Legal 500, JUVE Handbuch, Leaders League, Global Competition Review, Lawdragon, and The Best Lawyers in Germany. As founding chairman of the Competition Litigation Forum (www.c-l-f.eu), he leads Germany's premier association focused exclusively on civil antitrust law. Additionally, he serves as professor of business law at the Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen (PFH).
Rüdiger represents clients in high-stakes civil litigation at both national and international levels, with particular emphasis on antitrust and competition matters. He also represents clients before German and European competition authorities.
Rüdiger brings extensive courtroom experience to his practice, having appeared before almost all German district and appellate courts. His work includes representing clients in Germany's most significant private antitrust enforcement proceedings.
Rüdiger's experience is consistently recognized by leading legal directories and publications, including Chambers Global, Legal 500, JUVE Handbuch, Leaders League, Global Competition Review, Lawdragon, and The Best Lawyers in Germany. As founding chairman of the Competition Litigation Forum (www.c-l-f.eu), he leads Germany's premier association focused exclusively on civil antitrust law. Additionally, he serves as professor of business law at the Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen (PFH).
- Ranked by Chambers Global for Competition/European Law: Litigation, 2024:
- "An excellent lawyer who really knows what he is doing"
- "A pleasure to work with"
- Recognized in JUVE Handbuch, 2020-2025
- “An "extremely clever strategist in antitrust litigation” (2020/2021)
- "One of Germany's best antitrust litigators" (2021/2022)
- "Exceptionally committed, hands-on and knowledgeable" (2022/2023)
- "Highly committed and professionally competent" (2024/2025)
- Consistently recognized by GCR and Who's Who Legal
- Recommended as one of Germany's foremost competition lawyers in Who's Who Legal's (WWL) 2024 Competition guide
- "Brilliant litigator" who "fights fierce and smart" (Commercial Litigation Report 2022)
- Competition Litigation (2022, 2024) with National Leader in Competition Litigation (2023)
- Leading Lawyer: Competition (2022-2024)
- Recognized by The Best Lawyers in Germany for Arbitration and Mediation, Competition / Antitrust Law, International Arbitration, and Litigation, 2019-2025
- Awarded "Lawyer of the Year" for Competition/Antitrust Law and Litigation (2024)
- Consistently recognized for Antitrust and Competition Law, International Arbitration, and Dispute Resolution since 2019
- Additional rankings in Arbitration and Mediation, and Litigation (2025)
- Featured in Legal 500 Deutschland: Competition Litigation – Firms To Watch, 2022-2023
- Recognized for "particular strengths in major cartel proceedings" (2022)
- Lawdragon Recognition 2025:
- Selected among the "500 Leading Global Antitrust & Competition Lawyers"
- Distinguished as Germany's sole antitrust specialist named in the "500 Global Plaintiff Lawyers" ranking
- Noted for his experience in both defendant and claimant representation
- Ranked by Leaders League Germany for Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation, Competition Litigation, and Dispute Resolution: International Arbitration, 2024
- Recognized among “Thought Leaders Global Elite 2025, Commercial Litigation – Under 45,” Lexology Index
- Named “Lawyer of the Year” for Competition/Antitrust Law and Litigation, The Best Lawyers in Germany, 2024
- Consistently ranked as one of Germany's "most renowned" litigation lawyers in the Wirtschaftswoche Ranking, Wirtschaftswoche/Handelsblatt Research Institute, since 2022
- Founding Chairman, Competition Litigation Forum (www.c-l-f.eu)
- Member, Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht (Antitrust Law Study Association)
- Member, DAV (German Bar Association)
Books and Book Chapters
- Chapter Author, "Actions for Antitrust Injunctive Relief" and co-author of "Introduction to Antitrust Litigation" (with A. Ruster) in Handbuch Kartellverfahren und Kartellprozess (Beck, 2024)
- Co-author, "Private Enforcement of the Digital Markets Act (DMA)" and Commentary on Articles 27, 38, 39 DMA, in Podszun, Digital Markets Act (with Prof. Dr. Andreas Ruster), Nomos, Baden-Baden 2023 (English version: Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2024)
- Editor and Co-author, Kartellrechtliche Schadensersatzklagen (Antitrust Damages Actions), Deutscher Fachverlag, Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft, 2nd Edition, 2021)
- Co-Author Class Actions in EU Law: Focus on Antitrust Litigation" in Class Actions - A Global Guide from Practical Law, Thomson Reuters, 2016 (with Marguerite Sullivan)
- Author, "Suitability of German Civil Proceedings to enforce Antitrust Laws,“ (PhD-thesis 2009; Die Eignung des Zivilverfahrens zur Durchsetzung des Kartellrechts. Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des zivilprozessualen Beweisrechts. Nomos Verlag, Reihe Wirtschaftsrecht und Wirtschaftspolitik, Band 235).
Articles and Academic Publications
- Interview, "Die neuen Königinnen und Könige," Azur 01/2024
- "Der kartellrechtliche Beseitigungsanspruch als verschuldensunabhängiger Schadensersatzanspruch," Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht (ZWeR), 2021, pp. 544-564 (with Prof. Dr. Andreas Ruster)
- "Prozessuale und materielle Bestimmtheitsanforderungen auf dem Prüfstand des Kartellschadensersatzrechts," Parts 1 & 2, Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb (WuW), 2021, pp. 276 ff. and pp. 330 ff. (with Prof. Dr. Andreas Ruster and Alicia Helle)
- "Der zeitliche Anwendungsbereich des § 33 g GWB – Ein fiktives Streitgespräch," Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht (NZKart), 2019, pp. 645 ff. (with Prof. Dr. Andreas Ruster)
- "Zur Berechnung der Verjährungshemmung nach § 209 BGB," Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht (NZKart), 2019, pp. 544 f. (with Prof. Dr. Andreas Ruster)
- "Das ungeschriebene Merkmal der Kartellbefangenheit," Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht (NZKart), 2019, pp. 196 ff. (with Prof. Dr. Andreas Ruster)
- "OLG Hamm wendet Art. 8 Nr. 1 EuGVVO auf den Kartellregress an," NZKart 2017, p. 175 (with Stefan Bartz)
- Defending a confidential client in antitrust claims following the European Commission's ethylene decision (Case AT.40410 – Ethylene)
- Leading the round timber cartel litigation complex against five federal states (amount in dispute approx. €1 billion)
- Leading the sugar cartel proceedings for CDC
- Advising Daimler AG on antitrust damages claims
- Advising Volkswagen AG on antitrust damages claims
- Defending Finnish chemical manufacturer Kemira Oyj in multinational antitrust damages proceedings up to the European Court of Justice
- Defence of Singapore Airlines against claims totalling over €3 billion for its participation in the so-called air cargo cartel
- Defence of a confidential client against antitrust claims in the steel industry
- Representation of the British insurance company Clerical Medical
*Rüdiger advised on some of these matters prior to joining Willkie.
Hamburg Court of Appeals, Second State Exam, 2010 University of Göttingen, Dr. iur., 2008 University of Göttingen, First State Exam, 2005 University of Bayreuth, B.Com/LL.B., 2002