
August 25, 2020

On August 25, Willkie pro bono specialist Kyla Moore was interviewed by Equal Justice Works as part of its wider conversational series with alumni entitled “My Impact.”

Kyla, who is a 2016 Fellow of Equal Justice Works, discussed the law school externship that shaped her Fellowship proposal, her search for the right host organization, and the benefits afforded by a Fellowship. Kyla also spoke about the experience of transitioning from direct service work to facilitating opportunities for public service employees as a pro bono specialist at Willkie When asked what advice she would offer law students entering the field amid a pandemic, Kyla commented: “Start local first… Everyone wants to make a big impact, and that’s really nice, but you can change lives daily around you. …This is a time to be hopeful, because people are listening.”

Since 1986, Equal Justice Works has focused on bringing together an extensive network of law students, lawyers, legal services organizations, and supporters in the name of public service and equal justice for all.

Watch a full video of Kyla’s interview with Equal Justice Works communications manager Heena Patel here.