
December 3, 2015

OmegaFi provides software and solutions to college fraternities and sororities across the United States.

On December 3, Willkie client Aquiline Capital Partners announced that it has made an investment in OmegaFi, the leading provider of financial, membership management, and fundraising software and support solutions for college fraternities and sororities across the United States. OmegaFi's suite of services helps fraternal organizations at the local and national levels bill and collect dues and rent, manage rosters and records, pay bills and employees, file tax returns, build websites, publish newsletters, conduct fundraising campaigns and process payments.

Aquiline is a private equity firm based in New York investing in middle-market businesses across the financial services sector in banking and credit, insurance, investment management and markets, and financial technology.

The Willkie deal team was led by partner Jeffrey Poss and included partners Jeffrey Goldfarb, Mark Holdsworth, Hillel Jacobson, Christopher Peters and David Katz; and associates Robert Rizzo, Abby Branigan, Adam Keith, Isabel Araujo and Meghan Hungate.