
December 1, 2010

The article features a short list of 10 lawyers "who stood out during research for the US Innovative Lawyers report as having broken the mould of expectations."

Business Reorganization and Restructuring partner Matthew Feldman is profiled in a December 1 Financial Times article entitled "Great legal minds deliver creative solutions." The short list of individuals featured in the article "represents those lawyers who stood out during research for the US Innovative Lawyers report as having broken the mould of expectations." The full report on innovative lawyers is the result of independent research conducted by the FT and its research partner, RSG Consulting.

In the feature article, the FT highlights that the profiled individuals have been chosen as representatives of the full report as "to a certain degree they reflect the filter through which we looked at innovation this year – namely the activities of lawyers in cleaning up after the credit crisis of 2008."

As Chief Legal Advisor to the Obama Administration's Task Force on the Auto Industry, the FT writes that "Mr. Feldman was the creative legal mind behind the successful restructurings of General Motors and Chrysler in 2009." Focusing on Mr. Feldman’s instrumental role in the swift restructuring of the U.S. auto industry, the FT writes, "To the surprise of many, Chrysler was in and out of bankruptcy in an incredibly swift 42 days, and GM in just 41 days, without any serious misstep." The article also discusses Mr. Feldman’s innovative lawyering on behalf of his private clients at Willkie, including his role in developing a successful plan to put Norwegian marine seismic exploration company Petroleum Geo-Services through Chapter 11 proceedings in the United States without filing in its native country, where there is no corollary proceeding.

Matthew A. Feldman Chairman Business Reorganization & Restructuring