April 7, 2009
Labco acquires Aesculabor Karlsruhe, a leading German medical laboratory -- Willkie serves as legal adviser to Labco and assists with the tax structuring aspects of the deal.
On April 7, Willkie client Labco, Europe’s largest medical diagnostics group, announced that it has acquired Aesculabor Karlsruhe, a leading medical laboratory based in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Willkie served as legal adviser to Labco and assisted it with the tax structuring aspects of the deal. The acquisition is part of a strategic collaboration with the Medivision/Endokrinologikum group, a leader in the fields of endocrinology, rheumatology and oncology therapy in Germany. Aesculabor Karlsruhe will continue serving the diagnostic needs of the Medivision group. Medivision and Labco plan to extend their collaboration. This transaction follows the integration of six regional laboratories already acquired in 2008, and positions Labco among the five largest outpatient laboratory groups in Germany.
Led by Mario Schmidt (corporate/private equity), the deal was handled by a multidisciplinary Willkie team, including Dr. Markus Käpplinger (corporate/private equity), Jan Wilms (finance), Rolf Hünermann (regulatory/corporate commercial), Jennifer Diedrichsen (regulatory/corporate commercial), Dr. Patrick Meiisel (tax), Carsten Ludwig (tax), Dr. Octavio de Sousa (corporate/private equity), Dr. Christian Rolf (employment), Jochen Riechwald (employment) and Dr. Matthias Werner (corporate).