August 10, 2006
Willkie hosts and participates in seminar entitled “WTO Dispute Settlement and Sustainable Development: Advancing Africa's Interests through Enhanced Participation.”
Together with The Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa (Tralac) and the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Willkie will host and participate in a seminar entitled “WTO Dispute Settlement and Sustainable Development: Advancing Africa's Interests through Enhanced Participation.” Willkie attorneys James Durling and Victor Mroczka from the Washington office will speak on two panels.
The conference, to be held in Geneva, Switzerland on September 13, will cover Africa’s engagement with the WTO dispute settlement system to date and identify possible strategies that could facilitate an effective engagement of the system where the need arises. In addition to the Willkie participants, the seminar will include speakers from Tralac, Oxfam, and delegates from the African missions to the WTO.
Further information on the conference is available at