
June 20, 2003

Governor Cuomo participates on a distinguished panel comprised of Paul Volcker (former Chair of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board), Luigi Spaventa (Chairman of Consob - Italy’s public authority responsible for regulating the Italian securities market) and Alexander Schaub (Director General, European Commission, Directorate General Internal Market).

On June 13, Willkie counsel former New York State Governor Mario M. Cuomo addressed the 2003 Annual Workshop of the Council for the United States and Italy at Lake Como, Italy. Governor Cuomo participated on a distinguished panel comprised of Paul Volcker (former Chair of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board), Luigi Spaventa (Chairman of Consob - Italy’s public authority responsible for regulating the Italian securities market) and Alexander Schaub (Director General, European Commission, Directorate General Internal Market). Among other topics, the panel discussed the impact of Enron on financial markets and corporate governance practices, corporate ethics, adequacy of Sarbanes-Oxley legislation, the European response to corporate reform in the U.S. and the role of the private sector in addressing these issues. Governor Cuomo outlined the conditions leading up to the Enron debacle and subsequent accounting scandals and commented on the efficacy of some of the more far-reaching provisions of Sarbanes-Oxley. The governor’s remarks echoed the importance of progressing a “strong collaborative system among all the world’s nations.” He discussed the vital role to be played by “efficient and interconnected systems of corporate governance in advancing trade and moving the world’s nations forward, together.”


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