
April 5, 2023

On April 27 at 2:00 pm CT, Houston partner Robert Jacobson will participate on the panel Public And Private Oil and Gas Partnerships, as part of PLI’s Tax Planning for Domestic & Foreign Partnerships, LLCs, Joint Ventures & Other Strategic Alliances conference in Chicago.  The panel will address the rules and concepts governing oil and gas transactions, including the use of Subchapter K to solve tax issues in contractual oil and gas joint ventures, planning around the fractional interest rule and the benefits of master limited partnerships (“MLPs”) in the oil and gas context. 

The conference is a three-day program that will present a logical and comprehensive study of the framework and many important intricacies of Subchapter K and will focus on timely advanced and specialized topics, such as the new partnership audit rules and international joint venture issues, and the application of partnership taxation to specific industries, including oil and gas, hedge funds and private equity funds. 

For more information and to register for this event, please click here

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