
February 1, 2022

On February 16 at 4 pm EST, Willkie senior counsel and Co-Chair of the Willkie Digital Works practice Christopher Giancarlo will serve as keynote speaker at “The Future of Cryptoasset Regulation” virtual symposium, which will address recent regulatory developments in the crypto and fintech space, the need for further regulatory reform and guidelines for shaping that reform.

Chris will discuss the role of various regulatory agencies, including the CFTC and the SEC, in addressing the challenges of crypto and other financial innovations. He will also present his book CryptoDad: The Fight for the Future of Money.

The panel of practitioners will focus on an overview of regulatory developments and discuss possible regulatory and legislative initiatives in 2022. The concluding panel of law professors will discuss the SEC and its enforcement initiatives, stablecoin and central bank digital currency regulation, and crypto-exchange regulation.

To register for this event and avail of CLE credit, please click here. For non-CLE registration, please click here.

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