
March 16, 2021

Partner Elizabeth Gray, senior counsel Paul Pantano, Jr. and counsel Richard Borden to speak on a cybersecurity panel hosted by the Futures Industry Association (FIA).

On March 25, Willkie partner Elizabeth Gray, senior counsel Paul Pantano, Jr. and counsel Richard Borden will speak on a panel entitled, “Complying with Cybersecurity Regulations in an Increasing Threat Environment” as part of the FIA Law and Compliance webinar series.

Cybersecurity regulation is evolving in the commodity and derivatives markets. While the risk of hacking is on the rise, multiple regulations, rules and CFTC requirements are whipsawing challenging companies. The panel will address best practices and better ways to develop and implement a cybersecurity compliance program, without disrupting or constricting the information security team tasked with the protection of networks and data.

For more information and to register, please click here.

Elizabeth Gray
Elizabeth P. Gray Senior Counsel Securities Litigation & Enforcement
Paul Patano
Paul J. Pantano Jr. Senior Counsel Corporate & Financial Services